The Spirit of Leadership

I’ve had the traits of a leader from birth. I naturally have an idea in mind of what the next destination is, and I know how we ge there. The journey will be more easy than difficult, more playful than downtrodden, and with enough visibility that whoever (of us) wants to know where we are, they can find discover the answer.

In organizations, I’ve been at every stage of leadership hierarchy. Organizations are more or less rigid on what the hierarchy of titles really determines day-to-day. It’s safe to say I’ve been at both extremes of that spectrum as well. My experiences have given me a good number of exemplary traits to embed into my own leadership style. Yet it’s also safe to say, I witnessed certain traits which by no means belong at the ranks of leadership.

The style of leadership I bring carries forward a tradition of Clear Vision, Purposeful Action, and Community Spirit. These three pillars bound and hold a company together.

Community Spirit: Who we are
Purposeful Action: What we are doing
Clear Vision: What the Goal of Accomplishment is.

In reference to traits which I have witnessed which I will not see carried forward are muted silos, birth trait discrimination, and the misuse of time. My internal compass is aware of more traits which I will not demonstrate nor allow. The listed three will be highlighted with anecdotal evidence and a review of learnings.

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