Self-Hosting Git Repositories pt. 1

GitHub. Gitlab. BitBucket. Too much overhead for small workflows.

I can't be the only one who finds the mandatory 2FA treatment to be a hurdle for development workflows. I just want to push the code and move the heck on without opening several new tabs for emails, mobile devices for Authenticator apps, or - checks memory bank - 7 year old iPads that I signed into YouTube on once. All in the name of "security" for access to my own doggone data.

It's not even worth believing in the efficacy of this treatment for practically effecting security. Never, not once, and, to reiterate, ZERO times has a personal git repository account been a focus of mine for advanced security. Professional or enterprise of course has an enhanced concern, and here's a #1 solution for that: Get off of GitHub, and have your internal developer team manage their own security.

Here's the biggest rub of mine with this MFA crap... I've lost more accounts using MFA than I have to account thievery. Loss of access to accounts has increased with the rise of MFA requirements. Not only is there increased loss of flow state and increased cognitive load, the software which is promised may very really become unreachable due to the practice. Somehow, this is the user experience companies are landing on, and it's idiotic. Note, I am defining the decision by product, engineering, and customer success cohorts which decide for MFA to be idiotic. It's bad user experience.

If you have Google Authenticator, leave a full-page screenshot of all the numbers you currently have assigned to you 💬👇 I bet a bitcoin could be mined in 10 minutes with the processing power used to run the Authenticator RNG. I won't digress 2 much further, but suffice 2 say, 2FA on non-essential accounts is a sham, fricative time waste, and worth finding a solution around. So let's get to the work-around.

I just coined the phrase "too-factor authentication". For when the number of factors are too much.


Follow along to the next page where I give a solution for Self-Hosting Git Repositories on a Virtual Private Server.

alexa anderson

About the Author

Alexa Anderson is an engineer and evangelist with a penchant for making products geared for progress and achievement. When not writing software, Alexa spends her time curating content and sharing her discoveries.