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Install Node.js on MacOS

Node.js is an open source development platform for executing JavaScript code server-side. While JavaScript runs natively in a browser (i.e. client-side), Node.js provides developers the platform with which to build applications for a controlled environment that runs on a host computer, separate from the JavaScript that is delivered to the client’s browser. In this way, a Node.js application is comparable to PHP, Java, and Ruby, and other application environments that handle web-traffic requests, but are not delivered to the client.

To develop a Node.js application on MacOS, the Node binaries must be installed.

1. Create a user with admin access.

Chances are you are already a user with admin access. If you are aware that you are not a user with admin access, follow these steps ( to create such a user. You will need a user with admin access to create this new user.

2. Install Homebrew

$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
$ brew -v

3. Remove existing node versions

$ brew uninstall --force node

4. Install NVM

$ brew update
$ brew install nvm

5. Follow the instructions output by the nvm installer

You should create NVM's working directory if it doesn't exist:

  mkdir ~/.nvm

Add the following to ~/.zshrc or your desired shell
configuration file:

  export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
  [ -s "/usr/local/opt/nvm/" ] && \. "/usr/local/opt/nvm/"  # This loads nvm
  [ -s "/usr/local/opt/nvm/etc/bash_completion.d/nvm" ] && \. "/usr/local/opt/nvm/etc/bash_completion.d/nvm"  # This loads nvm bash_completion

You can set $NVM_DIR to any location, but leaving it unchanged from
/usr/local/opt/nvm will destroy any nvm-installed Node installations
upon upgrade/reinstall.

Type `nvm help` for further information.

Practically, issue the following commands

$ mkdir ~/.nvm
$ nano ~/.zshrc

Copy and paste the script from the output within .zshrc, and use the command source to load the new configuration into the active terminal.

$ source ~/.zshrc

6. Install the latest long-term support version of Node.js.

$ nvm install --lts
$ nvm current

nvm current displays the currently active node version. It should be the version that was installed with nvm install --lts.

7. Check the installations

You should now have nvm and Node.js installed. Check the installation. Here are the commands with example output.

$ nvm -v
$ node -v

Now that Node is installed, get to building out your application. Check out the sample web-server provided by the Node.js team. But listen! Node.js is useful for more than serving web requests. Node.js can be used to build desktop applications, command-line scripts, and developer libraries (things that can be npm installed).


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