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Using `psql`

The command psql allows the developer to enter into a PostgreSQL command line environment for executing SQL and other tasks involving the data in the database. Despite, the examples in this section using the $ bash shell prompt, these commands work on Windows as well as Unix-based systems.

Using psql

To enter into the postgres shell, use the command psql and indicate the database. If psql is used with no arguments, a database of the current user’s name is assumed.

$ psql postgres

In this mode, the command line is prefixed by [DATABASE NAME]=#. To see this in action, type exit to exit the process for the postgres database, and enter into a session with the database named by your username by using psql with no arguments.

postgres=# exit

$ psql # Run this command with no arguments

# List databases
popdemtech=# \l

# List users
popdemtech=# \du

See the Reference of this section for more utilities available within the psql environment.

Get database connection info

As part of the Node.js walkthrough, we will be creating application databases, tables, and queries within the Node.js application using a JavaScript library specfically for interfacing with the PostgreSQL server.

Like a web server, the PostgreSQL server is accessed via TCP – that is to say, the web application opens a connection to the database server, requests for data, and receives a response. To successfully connect to the data server, and retrieve data, the web application needs to have record of:

The host for local development is localhost. The database name, user name, and password are known by the developer.

To see connection information, enter the psql interface and use the \conninfo command. It will output the database, user, and port of the active psql session.

$ psql databasename
databasename=# \conninfo
You are connected to database "databasename" as user "popdemtech" via socket in "/tmp" at port "5432".

A separate database is recommended per web application, and, although user and password can be shared between applications, there are benefits to using unique users and passwords per application as well. This can be called the “Principle of Least Privilege,” and revolves around database security.

Most high-level languages (e.g. JavaScript) come with wrapper libraries that handle Postgres database creation. It will likely be necessary to create the user and password using psql or similar utilities.

See the References for further on PostgreSQL user management and security.


PSQL utilities: